Christians have for centuries set aside Easter as a time to specifically celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That day was formally recognized as such when Roman Emperor Constantine called for the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. The annual dating for this holiday is determined by moon cycles as was the Jewish Passover, though both religious observances are distinct. Differences in timing and how the Easter celebration was to take place can be traced back to the early second century. Any parallels of Easter to pagan symbolism would be the result of primitive believers interacting with the culture of their day. The question of Easter is one that deserves fair treatment.
Many things nowadays have pagan parallels, including the names of planets in our solar system and days of the week. Can we do anything at all? Can we use anything? Similarities do not in and of themselves prove something to be evil or malicious in nature. Similarities do not inherently prove a logical connection or association of one thing with another. Further, symbols are subject to reinterpretation and can therefore be reused. They are a means of human beings communicating abstract concepts. If pagans once did something, then that does not necessarily mean Christians cannot do them for good reasons or simply for fun. Pagans also eat, walk, talk, and breath. We do those things all the time.
Resurrection Sunday was celebrated by Christians long before it was made about the mythical creature called the Easter Bunny. What came to be known as Easter was sometimes linked to the pagan celebration of spring and the blossoming of plants. Christians created their own holiday, which exalts Christ and His resurrection. In both contexts, the theme is life arising where none existed before. Christianity took that idea and gave it a deeper meaning, one pointing to eternal realities. Those who argue that we are to celebrate His death rather than His resurrection behave foolishly, for without His death, there would have been no resurrection in the first place. Our faith would be in vain without it. Such a celebration does not exceed or violate the principles of Scripture.
Claims of Easter being pagan originated with pagans and secularists who themselves detest the message of the gospel. The earth and the fullness contained therein belongs to the Lord. No mere mortal has the power to take a day that God created and make it corrupt. Christians who dogmatically condemn the celebration are guilty of making category errors, simplifying matters to the point at which a distorted image is created. Further, no sacrifices or homage is given to false gods in the process. The English term Easter comes from the Old German word "erstehen," which means coming back to life. It does not pertain to the celebration of anything pagan.
If it were God's will that we be absolutely disconnected from the things of this world, then He would have to remove us at this very instant. We are to engage the culture with our beliefs, but lovingly stand firm in so doing. However, even the act of painting eggs or the idea of imaginary rabbits are nothing more than childish means of entertainment. Such is not inherently involved or related to the worship of false gods. Whether or not a Christian chooses to observe Easter is entirely a matter of conscience. It is not meant to be a test of orthodoxy.
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