Most people are familiar with God's covenantal promise to never again send forth waters from the heavens to cover the land, which was made to Noah after the Genesis flood. It was used as a means of executing judgment on mankind for continually godless behavior. Afterwards, He used a rainbow as a covenant symbol to make the promise to never again cast judgment on the human race in that way (Genesis 6:5-8; 8:20-22; 9:11, 12:9-17). Tragically, however, the LGBTQ community has developed a new method for mocking God's wonderful promise to us through the innovation of a flag that displays only six of the seven colors of the rainbow.
Having its origin in California by Artist Gilbert Baker, this flag was designed by lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transsexuals to represent their own diverse values through the Gay Pride Movement, which has now been popularized throughout the Western world. What is striking about this flag is that its colors mock that of God's covenantal promise, the rainbow, to man to never again judge man by means of a flood. While God's rainbow has seven different colors, the LGBTQ flag only has six colors of the rainbow. It is missing the color indigo. The number six is the spiritual number for fallen man. Seven is God's number meaning perfection. This can easily be interpreted as mockery of the Divine Creator.
The foundation of the Gay Pride Movement is self-exaltation. This has manifested itself through wild parades, festivals, clownish apparel, and rainbow imagery on public business signs or logos. Furthermore, the most radical members of the LGBTQ community have literally fought to silence all forms of disagreement, even if objections are established on scientific or philosophical grounds. Dissenters are called haters, bigots, and even accused of having phobias. This, ironically, puts on display the name-caller's own hatred and phobia of traditional morality.
Gay pride is contrary to everything that the Bible states regarding humility and sexuality. God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble (Psalm 138:6; Proverbs 3:34; James 4:5-8). People who exalt themselves will be humbled (Matthew 23:12). He absolutely detests pride (Proverbs 8:13). Scripture emphatically condemns homosexuality (Leviticus 18:22; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10). In fact, we have been told that we shall have to render an account for our deeds committed in this life (Romans 14:12). God's rainbow was meant to serve as a symbol of remembrance, not as a means of pride. He will not tolerate the celebration of sin. Thus, all faithful Christians have been called to speak out against the LGBTQ flag.
1 comment:
Well done, Jesse!
I like what you said here: "God's rainbow was meant to serve as a symbol of remembrance, not as a means of pride."
No one can rightfully (or safely) hijack this symbol of God's promise in order to promote debauchery. It is truly a perversion. I wish they would honor this symbol in the way that God intended. But if that were the case, they couldn't be homosexuals!
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