Friday, May 26, 2017

A Refutation Of Christian Mortalism (Soul Sleep)

  • Introduction:
          -Soul sleep is the belief that after a person dies, his soul "sleeps" until the resurrection and final judgment. According to this theology, the souls of people who are in this condition are unaware or unconscious of the things taking place around them. As a side note, two positions on the nature of the soul would be the dichotomous (i.e. the elements of a man are body and soul) and trichotomous (i.e. the elements of a man are body, soul, and spirit) view. 
          -In the Bible, the word "sleep" is used in relation to the word "death," for a corpse indeed appears to our eyes to be sound asleep. A person's body is "sleeping" while his soul is in the location of his eternal destiny. Man is a unity, but that does not mean the elements of his being cannot be separated. The material and immaterial aspects of man are what make him who he is in his entirety.
          -We face judgment with God the moment we die (Hebrews 9:27). Hence, our fate is eternally sealed at them moment of physical death. While some people enter into the presence of God in the heaven, those who were unfaithful to Him in this life will end up in a state of eternal condemnation by God in hell (2 Thessalonians 1:8-10). References to the "soul" do not always refer to the immaterial aspects of man (Psalm 42:5; 43:5).
          -There is a temporary heaven and hell that exists until the final resurrection (2 Corinthians 12:4; Revelation 1:18; 20:13-14). In the resurrection, each person's "sleeping" body will be "awakened." The righteous will receive perfected, permanent bodies that will be possessed for all eternity. People who are accepted into heaven after judgment will be allowed into the new heavens and earth (Revelation 21:1-5). Those in Hades will be thrown into the lake of sulfur and fire (Revelation 20:11-15).
  • For Christians, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:23):
           -Paul’s desire should not be strictly interpreted within the context of the resurrection alone, but rather as an indication of an immediate post-death experience with Christ. While Paul emphasizes the resurrection, his groaning to be clothed rather than found naked does not reject an intermediate conscious state. It simply highlights his hope for the final, glorified state. This does not negate a post-death consciousness, but rather expresses a preference for complete, glorified existence. Therefore, Paul's teaching in this passage supports the concept of an intermediate conscious state. It emphasizes the ultimate hope of bodily resurrection.
          -Philippians 1:21-24 provides critical insights that counter the soul sleep theory. In verse 21, Paul states, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain," implying the gain of immediate presence with Christ post-mortem. Verse 23 furthers this, where Paul expresses his desire to "depart and be with Christ," indicating an active and conscious existence with Christ immediately upon death. The Greek word "analuo" (depart) often denotes a swift transition, underscoring that there’s no intermediate state of unconsciousness. This passage suggests a continuous, conscious fellowship with Christ, refuting the soul sleep notion that posits a dormant soul awaiting resurrection.
  • The parable of the rich man and Lazarus clearly reveals to us that souls will not cease to be conscious in the afterlife (Luke 16:19-31):
          -The references to the "finger" and "tongue" of the rich man in this passage are obviously figurative, since the mentioned individuals are disembodied spirits. The punishment for the rich man and bliss of Lazarus are still very much real. Much concerning the spiritual realm remains a mystery to we who are alive on this earth.
  • Physically dead tribulation martyrs were fully conscious in heaven (Revelation 6:9-11; 7:9-17):
          -While Revelation contains symbolic elements, not every passage must be interpreted symbolically. The souls under the altar signify awareness after death, reflecting divine justice for martyrs. Symbolic language in scripture often conveys literal truths; the imagery underscores the continued existence and consciousness of martyrs. Thus, dismissing this passage as merely symbolic limits its rich, layered meanings and theological implications.
  • Moses and Elijah were spiritually conscious during the Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-9):
          -Elijah was bodily assumed into heaven by God, but the presence of Moses poses a problem for soul sleep. He died thousands of years before Christ, yet is here found to be speaking with Christ.
  • Paul was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words (2 Corinthians 12:2-4):
          -The Apostle Paul did not think leaving the body meant a loss of consciousness. We are given no commentary as to how this out of body experience was. It may possibly be a reference to Paul's conversion on a journey to Damascus. Nevertheless, 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 is problematic for soul sleep proponents because it shows us that a separation of body and soul does not denote a loss of consciousness. He remained aware of his surroundings despite being separated from the body. Paul’s uncertainty about being “in the body or out of the body” can be seen as an acknowledgment of an experience that transcends mere physical presence. This ambiguity itself could be taken as evidence of a conscious existence independent of the physical form.
  • Biblical prohibitions against necromancy pose a problem for soul sleep (Leviticus 19:26; Deuteronomy 18:1-12; Isaiah 8:19-20):
          -Why even try contacting dead people, if their souls are not consciously existing? Biblical prohibitions against contacting deceased persons presuppose conscious life after death. These prohibitions would hardly be meaningful or necessary in a soul sleep framework.


  1. Good refutation of this heretical doctrine. I did a similar post back in March, which I think is complementary to yours:

  2. I read it and it was pretty good stuff. I think annihilationism is pretty clearly rebutted in Scripture, but it was good to hear the proofs against soul sleep, that I want to read the article again and look at your scriptural references
