The historical, traditional view of reserving sexual intercourse between man and women for marriage has always been an integral product of divine creation (Genesis 2:20-24; Matthew 19:4-5). This plan is considered "good," since it is a part of God's created order and He is good by His very nature. That things can be misused or abused, does not make them morally impure.
Sins of a sexual nature are graver offenses against God because they involve our very bodies. It is only from a biblical framework that the act of sex can be rightly understood. From it the act can be enjoyed to the fullest extent. Thus, in this framework, women are not viewed as objects of pleasure or used merely as baby making machines.
Abstinence before marriage is proper and sensible, even from a secular standpoint. It prevents unwanted pregnancies, which can be financially burdensome. Abstinence prevents the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Abstinence before marriage results in faithful spouses and thus the proper development of families. Societal problems begin with poorly functioning families.
Jesus did not deepen what the Law says, but brought out its true meaning in contrast with the false teachings of scribes and Pharisees. This is evident in Matthew 5 when Jesus contrasts His own teaching (Matthew 5:22, 28, 32, 34, 39, 44) with "you have heard that it was said" (Matthew 5:21, 27, 31, 33, 38, 43). We need to follow the spirit of the Law, not the letter of the Law (Matthew 5:20).
The Law already taught obedience from the heart. The Old Testament forbids hatred as well as murder; lust as well as outward adultery. Job said that he made a covenant to not look lustfully at a woman in defending his innocence (Job 31:1). Proverbs 6:25-26 emphatically says to stay away from promiscuous women. 2 Samuel 11 illustrates the deadly consequences of giving in to lust. Christ's teaching is fully consistent with the Old Testament.
Great commentary here, Jesse! I agree with everything you said. Thanks for your witness on this important issue.