Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Was King Saul "Born Again?"

         "Then it happened when he turned his back to leave Samuel, God changed his heart; and all those signs came about on that day." (1 Samuel 10:9)

         The context of this passage centers around Saul being anointed by God's Prophet Samuel as king over Israel. Prior to him being appointed by God through His chosen vessel, a group of prophets informed him that the Lord was going to "change him into a new person" (1 Samuel 10:5-7). He is spoken of as having a "changed heart." This most certainly is intriguing, since it seems to echo New Testament texts such as 2 Corinthians 5:17.

         Even though Scripture records King Saul as being a poor moral example, we can nevertheless learn from his life experience the inevitable, devastating consequences of living according to the flesh. It was characterized as being envious, vengeful, and murderous. He even committed suicide. But nobody can say with absolute certainty what Saul's eternal destiny was, for only God knows the hearts of man (1 Samuel 16:7). It is possible that he could have earnestly pleaded from the heart that God be merciful to him in his last breath.

           Perhaps Saul came to a point of having saving faith, but walked away from salvation. He may haven chosen not to continue on in that pursuit. He may have been saved. If that is the case, then 1 Samuel 10:9 could be evidence of the Holy Spirit's regenerating work in the Old Testament. Regardless of what Saul's state of heart was, God has the power to use anybody or anything to accomplish His purposes. This exercise is only meant to provide some food for thought.

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