- Defining The Issues:
-"18. Thou art Peter] Gk. Petros Aramaic, Kephas. Jesus had given Peter this name at their first interview (John 1:42). Peter had now realised his character, and Jesus solemnly confirmed the honourable title. And upon this rock] Gk. petra. As the Gk. word here is different, most ancient commentators deny that Peter is the rock. The Roman Catholic Launoy reckons that seventeen Fathers regard Peter as the rock; forty-four regard Peter’s confession as the rock; sixteen regard Christ Himself as the rock; while eight are of opinion that the Church is built on all the apostles." (The One Volume Bible Commentary, edited by John R. Dummelow)
-Catholics often argue that the Roman Catholic Church employs a threefold application in its interpretation of Matthew 16:18-19 to harmonize patristic writings, claiming these approaches affirm Peter’s primacy, his successors’ authority, and a Christ-centered foundation. While this framework attempts to synthesize diverse perspectives, it relies on an interpretive flexibility that lacks textual or historical consistency. For instance, church fathers who emphasize Christ or Peter’s confession as the "rock" of Matthew 16:18 are frequently recontextualized to fit the Catholic paradigm, even when their writings explicitly reject the idea of Peter's personal primacy or any succession tied to him.
-Moreover, this interpretive system presumes a continuity of interpretation that is not evidenced within early ecclesiastical thought. Instead, the varied understandings of the "rock" among the church fathers indicate that these interpretations arose independently, reflecting theological diversity rather than a cohesive framework. The Roman Catholic argument also inadvertently undermines its own position by conceding that no singular interpretation dominates the tradition. This plurality of views fundamentally weakens the claim that Matthew 16:18-19 unequivocally supports the Roman Catholic Church’s assertions to having been given apostolic authority.
- Basil of Seleucia:
- Cyril of Alexandria:
- Origen:
- Augustine of Hippo:
- Bede:
- Eusebius:
-"Yet you will not in any way err from the scope of the truth if you suppose that the 'world' is actually the Church of God, and that its 'foundation' is in the first place, that unspeakably solid rock on which it is founded, as Scripture says: 'Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it' and elsewhere: 'The rock, moreover, was Christ. For as the Apostle indicates with these words: 'No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Christ Jesus." (Commentary on the Psalms, M.P.G., Vol. 23, Col. 173,176)
- Cassiodorus:
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