Saturday, April 29, 2017

A Discussion On The Morality Of Homosexuality

  • Homosexuality Is Incompatible With Biblical Christianity: 
          -The Levitical Law expressly forbade homosexuality and prescribed the sentence of death to those who partook in such actions (Leviticus 18:22-25; 20:13). In fact, God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of sexual immorality, which included homosexuality (Genesis 19:4-13). Interestingly, Jude describes this instance of divine judgment happening as a result of men going after "strange flesh" (Jude 5-8). The Apostle Peter described those same people as "lawless" (2 Peter 2:7-10). Thus, sexual sin is associated with apostasy in the New Testament. Paul warns that any person who practices homosexuality will be excluded from the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:9-11). The Creator leaves those who exchange natural relations for unnatural to their own devices and destruction (Romans 1:25-27). Homosexuality involves the reversal of a creation ordinance. It degrades that which is sacred. In that same context, the Apostle Paul concurs with the Law that sinners are worthy of death (Romans 1:32). However, he also testifies to the graces of God that are so powerfully made known through Christ. Lastly, the consistent pattern of marriage described in Scripture is always a physical union between man and woman.
  • Homosexual Behavior Is Plagued With Problems:
          -Homosexuality is unnatural for us in that all are born heterosexual by bodily design. It is, therefore, not a matter of when we chose to have that kind of orientation. Nor do homosexual unions result in the production of human life. If practiced on a wide enough scale, a populace would be guaranteed to face self-extinction. Homosexuality is destructive in that is carries with it risks of getting HIV, Syphilis, and AIDS. It even results in abnormal personality changes.
  • What About Equal Rights?:
          -If the legalization of same-sex marriage means equal rights for members of the LGBTQ community, then why cannot there be equal rights for people who want more than one partner in marriage? If we redefine the concept of marriage to include two homosexual people, then why would it be wrong for us to also redefine marriage to include more than one person? The move to officially change the definition of marriage as being something other than a male and female union is unprecedented in history. Even societies like ancient Greece did not take matters this far, judging by available historical records.
  • Interaction With The "Born Gay" Argument:
          -Homosexual desire is acted on, just as heterosexual desire is. It is in that way distinguished from our skin color, height, and gender, which are genetic traits. Those things are not behaviors. They exist independently of our thoughts and cannot be acted on.
          -Possible causes of homosexuality are environment, culture, and free will (i.e. genetic identity disorder, women getting abused by men, children getting abused by homosexuals, etc.). It involves a complex combination of factors.
          -Even assuming that genetics can influence homosexual behavior, being born with the potential to act in a certain manner in no way provides justification for any behavioral patterns. There is no genetic excuse for homosexuality, anymore than there is a genetic excuse for theft or lying. Note that the Apostle Paul himself placed all these acts in the category of sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
          -These tendencies, whether they are genetic or not, cannot simply be justified on the grounds of being born with proclivities for them. Human nature is the breeding ground for all sorts of atrocities. The presence of temptation in our hearts is not sin, but acting on such is. God forgives those who repent of their homosexual sin, just as He would forgive repentant thieves, adulterers, murderers, or anyone else (1 Corinthians 6:11). People who struggle with homosexuality are not without hope of redemption, but they may need ongoing counseling assistance.
  • Refuting Attempts To Justify Homosexuality By Appeals To Nature: 
          -Just because animals do irrational things to each other, does not mean that human beings ought to follow suit. We should actually be able to rise above that of the life of beasts. The following behaviors have also been observed among various animal species: 1.) Raping other animals, 2.) Eating their young when threatened, 3.) Eating their sex partner, 4.) Injuring sex partners, and 5.) Having intercourse with their own offspring. If this means anything at all, then it would only be that homosexuality is brutish behavior. It represents the absence of culture.


Anonymous said...

Homosexuality as a Behavior: While sexual behavior involves actions, sexual orientation is widely recognized as an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, or both sexes, not merely a series of actions. It’s also important to note that sexual orientation is distinct from other components of sex and gender, such as biological sex, gender identity (the psychological sense of being male or female), and social gender role (the cultural norms that define feminine and masculine behavior).

Causes of Homosexuality: The consensus among scientists is that sexual orientation is not caused by any one factor but is likely the result of a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences123. There is no credible evidence to support the claim that homosexuality is caused by social issues such as abuse or “genetic identity disorder.”

Twin Studies: Twin studies have shown that identical twins do not always share the same sexual orientation, which suggests that while genetics do play a role, they are not the sole determinant of sexual orientation. This complexity is consistent with the understanding that many human traits are influenced by a variety of factors, both genetic and environmental.

Justification of Behaviors: The comparison of homosexuality with behaviors like theft or lying is not supported by scientific research or major health organizations. Homosexuality is considered a normal variation of human sexuality by the American Psychological Association and other health authorities, and it does not require justification or excuses any more than heterosexuality does.

Moral and Religious Perspectives: It’s important to distinguish between scientific explanations of sexual orientation and moral or religious views. Science seeks to understand and explain the natural world and does not address questions of sin or morality, which are the domain of personal beliefs and religious teachings.

In summary, the current scientific understanding is that sexual orientation is a complex trait influenced by various factors and is not simply a choice or behavior that can be changed at will. It’s also recognized as a normal and natural variation of human sexuality.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Homosexual behavior and Homosexual “orientation” are two different subjects.

Let’s start with sexual “orientation.” NO real science agrees that orientations are anything but chosen; only psychobabblers subscribe to that idea. REAL science says there are only two genders and everyone KNOWS that but want to justify their immoral choices. Your “consensus among scientists” claim is horsepuckey.

Regardless of what leads to a particular sexual orientation, no unnatural or immoral “orientation” needs to be acted upon. No one has to have sexual relations.

Faux science comes from LEFTISTs/psychobabblers trying to justify their evil behaviors.

NATURE, i.e. Biology is REAL science which says there are ONLY two genders, otherwise known as two sexes and it is the LEFT who wants to separate those two same-meaning words (funny how the gender/sex split has only been discovered in recent times). Gender applies to language, not to biological sex. Only fools and LEFTISTS see homosexuality as a “normal variation of human sexuality.” Psychology is not science, just a field to support every bizarre idea LEFTIST have.

Homosexual behavior is always chosen. Male to male is worse because it violates the biological parts of the body used for excretion and male homosexual cause damage to the orifice and the actions spread diseases. Female to female homosexual behavior often uses sex toys to penetrate and also cause damage. While it’s understood that oral sex only causes injuries if disease is spread, the sexual coupling of two females, as with two males, is against biology.

Homosexual behavior also causes emotional and mental damage

If a person is a Christian or a Jew then they recognize that God condemns such behaviors as worthy of death, and no homosexual “Christian” will be saved.

Jesse Albrecht said...


"Homosexuality as a Behavior: While sexual behavior involves actions, sexual orientation is widely recognized as an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, or both sexes, not merely a series of actions."

Correct, homosexuality involves both one's own attractions and behavioral patterns that align with those actions he finds to be pleasurable or enjoyable. However, that does nothing to justify such an orientation because such reasoning could also apply to any kind of sadistic desires.

"It’s also important to note that sexual orientation is distinct from other components of sex and gender, such as biological sex, gender identity (the psychological sense of being male or female), and social gender role (the cultural norms that define feminine and masculine behavior)."

Sex and gender have always been interchangeable terms. The only reason that they have been separated in our culture is to enable people to identify as something other than what they were at birth. The terms "male" and "female" were basic categories that were not intended to represent our views of reality, how one's brain is wired, or hormone levels. Those are determined by our chromosomes and genitalia.

"There is no credible evidence to support the claim that homosexuality is caused by social issues such as abuse or “genetic identity disorder.”

It appears that there is no credible evidence to rule out the claim that homosexuality can be caused by social issues:

"LGBTs report childhood sexual abuse at 3x-8x the rate of heterosexuals. LGBTs have similar order of magnitude higher rates of substance abuse, suicide, mental illness and obesity (among lesbians). The failure to consider this possible causal relationship has lead to a widespread assumption that homosexuality is an inborn and immutable characteristic." Cramer, Clayton E., An Open Secret: Child Sexual Abuse as One Possible Cause of Homosexuality (July 10, 2015). Available at SSRN: or

Jesse Albrecht said...

"Of 327 homosexual and bisexual men participating in an ongoing cohort study pertaining to risk factors for HIV infection who completed a survey regarding history of sexual abuse, 116 (35.5%) reported being sexually abused as children. Those abused were more likely to have more lifetime male partners, to report more childhood stress, to have lied in the past in order to have sex, and to have had unprotected receptive anal intercourse in the past 6 months (odds ratio 2.13; 95% confidence interval 1.15-3.95). Sexual abuse remained a significant predictor of unprotected receptive anal intercourse in a logistic model adjusting for potential confounding variables." Lenderking WR, Wold C, Mayer KH, Goldstein R, Losina E, Seage GR 3rd. Childhood sexual abuse among homosexual men. Prevalence and association with unsafe sex. J Gen Intern Med. 1997 Apr;12(4):250-3. doi: 10.1046/j.1525-1497.1997.012004250.x. PMID: 9127231; PMCID: PMC1497098.

"Justification of Behaviors: The comparison of homosexuality with behaviors like theft or lying is not supported by scientific research or major health organizations."

That is irrelevant. In fact, this is actually a matter of underlying philosophical presuppositions. The premise of this article operates on the ethics of the New Testament. In Paul's mind, homosexuality was sinful just as is theft and lying. God judges each of those behaviors.

"Homosexuality is considered a normal variation of human sexuality by the American Psychological Association and other health authorities, and it does not require justification or excuses any more than heterosexuality does."

If that proves anything at all, then it would only be that public opinion is not a reliable guide as to determining right from wrong. A moral standard that can flippantly evolve is self-contradictory. There was a time when those kinds of institutions would have voiced opposition to homosexuality.

"Moral and Religious Perspectives: It’s important to distinguish between scientific explanations of sexual orientation and moral or religious views. Science seeks to understand and explain the natural world and does not address questions of sin or morality, which are the domain of personal beliefs and religious teachings."

This article aims to cover both religious and scientific material, so expect there to be some sort of intertwining of subject matter.