Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Using The Exodus To Illustrate Imputed Righteousness

        The purpose of the Passover meal was to bring into the hearts and minds of the Jews their deliverance by God from captivity in Egypt. He was moved with compassion to redeem His people as they cried out to Him for intervention (Exodus 3:9-10). The Jews grew in number, but ended up enslaved by Pharaoh and forced to work under merciless conditions (Exodus 5:1-23).

        Every item on the seder plate carries deep symbolism. For instance, bitter herbs signify the bitterness of slavery, while unleavened bread, known as matzah, symbolizes the bread that the Israelites brought with them during their escape from Egypt.

        Being the final part of a series of plagues, God required that the Jewish people sacrifice lambs and apply blood to their doorposts in order that He pass by those houses and leave the firstborn children unharmed (Exodus 12:7; 12-13; 21-24; 27). The Pharaoh lost his firstborn son as the Lord cast judgment on the Egyptians.

        This incident is illustrative of the imputation of Jesus Christ's righteousness to those who have placed their trust in Him. We have a righteous status credited to our account before God because we have been covered by the shed blood of His Son.

        We are not under divine judgment, but forgiven of our sins. Just as the blood of the lambs was applied to the doors of the houses to spare the oppressed people of judgment, so the blood of Christ is applied to us by faith to enable access to God.


  1. " We are not under divine judgement, but forgiven of our sins. Just as the blood of the lambs was applied to the doors of the houses to spare the oppressed people of judgement, so the blood of Christ is applied to us by faith to enable access to God." That is such an amazing truth to remember! Great job with this post!

  2. I think that is a valid inference, the analogy between door post and us
