Sunday, February 24, 2019

Are The Roman Catholic Holy Days Of Obligation Biblical?

  • Introduction:
          -The Roman Catholic hierarchy has invented an annual series of holy days of obligation for adherents to observe, which comprises a liturgical calendar. Examples of such mandatory days for Catholics to comply with would include All Saints Day, the Assumption of Mary, and Good Friday. These mandatory days of observance take place throughout Rome's yearly liturgical cycle. However, no church government on this earth has been given authority by Christ to command believers to set aside specific days for penitential purposes.
  • The New Testament Does Not Speak Of Holy Days Of Obligation:
          -While the Jews participated in obligatory religious celebrations such as Pentecost, the Passover, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23), there are no such stipulations in the New Testament for Christians. There are no listings of, examples of, or any implicit or explicit commandments for special days of observance dedicated to specific people, events, or for a designated purpose. If Jesus Christ intended for us to follow a universally binding liturgical calendar, then it is strange that the authors of the New Testament nowhere wrote down such instructions. Christ was the fulfillment of the Old Covenant celebrations. The ministerial priesthood, animal sacrifices, dietary regulations, and other aspects of the Mosaic Law were only "shadows" of the greater things to come (Hebrews 10:1). These things all pointed to His work on the cross.
  • The Roman Catholic Church Adds Insult To Injury By Making The Observance Of Specific Holy Days Of Obligation A Requirement For Salvation:
          -The Catechism of the Catholic Church plainly says that willingly and intentionally failing to observe holy days of obligation is a mortal sin (CCC #2181). It is mortal sins that constitute an instantaneous loss of all saving grace (CCC #1861). On the contrary, nowhere in the New Testament do we see people losing their salvation because they failed to observe holidays mandated by elders in the church. Additionally, we cannot merit our justification before God by making reparation for sin. We cannot earn our salvation by rituals and observances. If a person wishes to be saved, then he needs to approach God by faith (Romans 5:1; Ephesians 2:8-9).
  • Comments On The Observance Of Ash Wednesday:
          -During Ash Wednesday, palm branches are burned. Then, the ashes are rubbed on the foreheads of the faithful by priests in the shape of a cross. Sacramental graces are said to be imparted to partakers because the ashes were previously blessed. However, that is false teaching. What makes atonement for sin according to Scripture is the work of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53:11; 1 Peter 1:18-19). We must place our trust in His atonement alone for salvation. Moreover, He expressly scolded the religious leaders of His day for openly making known their times of religious fasting (Matthew 6:16-18). Placing ashes on one's forehead certainly qualifies as a violation of this warning against pride. Catholics should be giving up Lent during the Lenten season. Roman Catholic Ann Naffziger says, "You won’t find a listing of the Holy Days of Obligation in the Bible because they aren’t there. They aren’t there because they weren’t instituted when the Bible was written and compiled. Like so many things in our Catholic tradition, the practice of celebrating Holy Days developed over a period of centuries as Church leaders reflected on the importance of particular events..."
  • Mandating Special Days Of Obligation Is A Sign Of Apostasy:
          -The New Testament nowhere requires the observation of any holy days of obligation. In fact, we have been given the liberty of deciding for ourselves which days to observe in glory to God (Romans 14:1-6; Colossians 2:13-17). However, mandating the observance of certain "holidays" on other members of the church is legalism (Galatians 4:9-11). It violates the spirit of liberty that permeates the pages of the New Testament. This sort of teaching entangles people into spiritual bondage.

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