Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Are Christians Sinners Saved By Grace?

  • Discussion:
          -The problem of sin is one that impacts the whole of mankind. We have incurred the wrath of God as a result of our transgressions against Him. However, the good news is that He has provided us one way to salvation through placing our trust in Jesus Christ. He has made known to us the greatness of His love and mercy. We can experience His grace rather than judgment. Consider the following:

             *The ungodly are justified through faith (Romans 4:4-6).
             *Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6-10).

          Does it follow from this that Christians can continue to live in sin after conversion? Absolutely not. Consider the following points of Paul's argument:

             *The Law is upheld by our faith (Romans 3:31).
             *Grace sets us free from the shackles of sin (Romans 6:17-18).

           We are called to put away the deeds of the flesh. We have been purified to serve the living God. Our calling is a higher one from the lifestyle that we had prior to conversion.

           The very reason that boasting is excluded from justification is that we are all sinners and not deserving of salvation. We did not do anything to merit a righteous standing before God. He saved us in spite of our sins.

          It may sound noble or pious to deny that we are sinners saved by His grace, but such a notion could not be further from the truth (1 John 1:7-10). In fact, Jesus instructed His disciples to pray for the forgiveness of sin on a daily basis (Matthew 6:11-13). 

          If we do fail to live up to our calling, we have Jesus Christ as our advocate before God (1 John 2:1). Other passages that attest to our sinfulness would include Psalms 130:3-4, Proverbs 20:9, and Ecclesiastes 7:20.

          To deny that we are sinners saved by the grace of God is the preaching of a false gospel. It amounts to calling calling God a liar. Our sin nature does not immediately disappear in its totality at the moment of conversion. Christians are called saints because they have been consecrated by the Holy Spirit. It is the grace of God that transforms our nature in this life.

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