Monday, February 13, 2017

God's Divine Calling

       We live in a world that is based on selfish agendas. Most people in our society are only focused on the superficial aspects of life, which consists of material possessions, bodily appearance, and various sayings of so-called human wisdom. If we were placed on this earth only to indulge our own sinful lusts, then we could easily ignore those less fortunate than we. How can the bridge of human freedom stand over the troubled lake of perdition and iniquity? Jesus Christ commissioned us to serve others with compassion and humility. We as Christians can be servants of God by setting a good moral example for other people and by contributing to those who are in need.

       We can serve other people by being models for the lost. In other words, those who belong to the kingdom of darkness can be converted to our faith by examining the lifestyles of people who are in Christ. The darkness of this world ought to be lit by the candle of our faith. We as Christians are to plant seeds of conversion. People who trust in Christ as Lord and Savior will experience complete spiritual fulfillment. They will have joy and peace as a result of being children of God. We are simply the mirrors that point sinners to salvation by reflecting the personality of our Lord Jesus Christ. If the hearts of more people are changed, then that will have an effect on society.

       We can be servants by providing for the needy. We can assist others who are suffering from a lack of necessities by donating unused or unwanted clothing to second hand thrift stores, donating money, and contributing to food drives. Proper clothing can help people thrive in colder climates. Churches can work together in funding the construction of schools, hospitals, and homeless shelters. A sufficient amount of food will prevent people from dying of starvation. Our good works can provide hope for future generations, grounded in the preaching of the gospel. When we succor others, we are being fellow laborers for the sake of our Master. We are like compasses, which point people to the one who can satisfy our spiritual hunger and thirst.

       We live in a world that is contaminated by the continuous serving of one-self. But we have been called to move beyond the microscope of our own sinful desires. In so doing, we obey the edict of Christ: “Whatsoever you do for the least of My Brothers, you do for Me.” We do this by setting ourselves up to be models for others to emulate. We do this by serving others. When we do these things, we are serving the Lord Jesus Christ.