Sunday, March 9, 2025

A Critical Evaluation Of Teresa Of Avila’s Nine Levels Of Prayer

          Teresa of Avila, a 16th-century mystic and theologian, is widely known for her teachings on the spiritual life and the nature of prayer. In her influential work The Interior Castle, she proposes a structured framework of nine levels of prayer, each representing a deeper level of communion with God. Her framework has undoubtedly influenced many on their spiritual journeys. However, a critical examination of her model reveals significant inconsistencies with biblical teachings. Through an analysis of her hierarchical approach, her emphasis on emotional states, and her neglect of communal aspects of prayer, it becomes evident that St. Teresa’s model does not align with the broader principles found in Scripture.

          One of the most apparent shortcomings of Teresa’s nine levels of prayer is her insistence on a linear progression through these stages. According to her framework, individuals must ascend from basic vocal prayers to more advanced forms such as the prayer of union and transformation. This implies that one can only attain divine communion through a prescribed path, thus creating a spiritual ladder toward which believers must strive. However, a close examination of biblical teaching reveals a contrasting perspective on the nature of prayer. James 4:8 states, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” This text underscores the immediacy of God's response to those who genuinely seek Him, reinforcing the notion that accessibility to the divine is not contingent upon achieving higher levels of prayer. The categorical hierarchy that Teresa of Avila presents undermines the biblical understanding that all believers, regardless of their spiritual maturity or progress, can enter into a personal relationship with God at any moment.

          Another critical aspect of Teresa's theology is her focus on emotional experiences in prayer. Higher levels of prayer, particularly those involving ecstasy and deep union with God, are often marked by heightened feelings and spiritual experiences. This heavy reliance on emotional states can easily lead people to conflate intense feelings with true spiritual depth, fostering a misguided understanding of prayer. In contrast, the Bible emphasizes the importance of the heart's sincerity over emotional highs. In 1 Samuel 16:7, it is said, “For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” This crucial distinction highlights that genuine prayer is not necessarily characterized by dramatic experiences. It is rooted in authenticity and a faithful relationship with God. By prioritizing emotional highs, this framework overshadows biblical truth and leads believers to question their spiritual worth if they do not experience similar emotional intensity.

          Teresa’s model begins with vocal prayer, categorizing it as foundational, yet seemingly inferior to the more advanced forms of prayer that follow. This approach implies that vocal prayer is merely a preliminary step on the spiritual journey, rather than a vital and powerful means of communication with God. However, Philippians 4:6 challenges this notion by underscoring the necessity of vocal prayer: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” This passage highlights that vocal prayer is not merely an initial stage, but an essential practice of faith. Even Jesus exemplified vocal prayer in His earthly ministry (Matthew 26:39), illustrating that speaking to God is a critical component of spiritual life. By diminishing the significance of vocal prayer, this model of prayer alienates believers from one of the most accessible forms of expressing their thoughts and desires to God.

          While the emphasis on personal spiritual growth is commendable, this model of prayer inadequately addresses the communal aspects of prayer that Scripture highlights. Teresa of Avila's framework often promotes an individualistic view of prayer that centers on personal experiences. It neglects the power and importance of praying within a community of believers. Matthew 18:20 highlights this communal aspect, stating, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” This passage emphasizes that collective prayer fosters a unique presence of God, encouraging believers to come together in unity. Teresa’s focus on individual stages may inadvertently diminish the scriptural call to engage in communal prayer, where the collective faith of a community can enhance one’s connection to God.

          Finally, the hierarchical nature of Teresa of Avila’s nine levels of prayer can inadvertently foster spiritual elitism. By establishing levels of prayer, her framework risks creating an environment where individuals feel inferior if they do not ascend to higher tiers. This dynamic can lead to guilt, shame, and despair among those who struggle to reach these perceived benchmarks of spirituality. The Bible, however, speaks against such notions of hierarchy and encourages equality among believers. Galatians 3:28 affirms, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” This passage emphasizes that all believers possess equal access to God’s grace regardless of their spiritual experiences. Teresa’s hierarchical model contradicts this fundamental gospel truth and can alienate those who might feel spiritually inadequate.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

A Gospel Perspective On The Chosen Series

          The Chosen, created by Dallas Jenkins, has garnered significant acclaim and widespread viewership for its portrayal of the life of Jesus Christ and His disciples. While the ambition of the series to present the narrative of Jesus in a relatable and accessible manner is the product of good intentions, a critical examination reveals substantial discrepancies between the depiction in the series and the character and mission of Jesus as articulated in the canonical gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This article seeks to elucidate these discrepancies, showing how The Chosen series inadvertently misrepresents the essence of the Christian faith.

          One of the most concerning features of The Chosen is its portrayal of the nature of Jesus. While the series endeavors to humanize Him by illustrating relatable emotional experiences, it often diverges from the authoritative, divine character depicted in Scripture. For example, in Mark 3:1-6, we observe a Jesus who is visibly distressed by the hardness of heart displayed by the religious leaders, thereby revealing His righteous anger. Conversely, this series frequently opts for scenes that emphasize His relatability and compassion. This creates an image of Jesus that may be perceived as overly gentle or accommodating. Such portrayals risk diminishing the significance of His messianic authority and the urgency of His call to repentance. A central theme in the gospels is His mission to confront sin and call people to repentance, not merely offer comfort.

          This series also tends to oversimplify the intricate historical and cultural background of Jesus’ ministry, which is important for a faithful, accurate understanding of His life and teachings. Although The Chosen aims to present a compassionate depiction of Jesus, it often neglects the sociopolitical complexities of first-century Judea. The gospels portray Him as an individual who actively engages with and critiques existing religious structures, a sentiment poignantly expressed in Luke 19:11-27. However, the series frequently provides a sanitized, anachronistic representation of these dynamics that caters more to contemporary sensibilities. This approach leads viewers to misinterpret the true nature of Jesus' mission. It entailed not only building community, but also challenging the prevailing cultural and religious norms of His day.

          Furthermore, The Chosen exhibits a concerning inclination to dilute the theological weight of critical narratives. The series emphasizes personal relationships and emotional connections, but often does so at the expense of significant doctrines central to Christianity. For example, the themes of repentance and atonement are foundational to Jesus’ ministry (John 3:16-17), wherein He emphasizes the necessity of salvation. However, the series occasionally underplays the seriousness of sin, portraying Jesus primarily as a friend rather than as the divine savior who offers redemption through His sacrificial atonement. Such a portrayal imparts a superficial understanding of the Christian faith, potentially undermining the foundational tenets that underpin it. 

          This series frequently exercises selective storytelling, altering key events from the gospels in ways that distort the original teachings of Jesus. At times, it fabricates dialogues and scenarios that, while potentially engaging, do not align with the biblical accounts. For instance, in the series, Jesus performs an exorcism on Mary Magdalene, which takes creative liberties not supported in the known records of His life. In addition, Jesus has been made out to say that He is the Law of Moses, which is a patently false statement to make. He fulfilled the Law of Moses and died to redeem those who were born under it. By modifying these events or omitting crucial elements, The Chosen presents us with a narrative that lacks the transformative power inherent in the authentic gospel message. Such liberties lead viewers to a skewed understanding of Jesus' identity and mission.

          While The Chosen may offer an engaging depiction of Jesus Christ, its deviations from the canonical gospels raise profound concerns regarding the series' fidelity to what we know about His life. By prioritizing emotional relatability and accessibility over theological precision, the creators of the series misrepresent His very character and neglect the historical context of His ministry. It is of utmost importance for viewers to root their understanding of Jesus in the gospels, which furnish for us a reliable portrait of His life, teachings, and divine nature. In doing so, we uphold the integrity and richness of the biblical narrative, ensuring that the real character of Jesus Christ remains central to our understanding of the Christian faith.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Quiet Toll Of A Broken Spirit

“... for when a man's spirit has been thoroughly crushed, he may be peevish at small offenses, but never resentful of great ones.”

Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House of the Seven Gables, p. 141

The Enduring Consequences Of Our Actions

“Still, there will be a connection with the long past-a reference to forgotten events and personages, and to manners, feelings, and opinions, almost or wholly obsolete-which, if adequately translated to the reader, would serve to illustrate how much of old materials goes up to make the freshest novelty of human life. Hence, to, might be drawn a weighty lesson from the little regarded truth, that the act of the passing generation is the germ which may and must bear good or evil fruit in a far-distant time; that, with the seed of the merely temporary crop, which morals term expediency, they inevitably sow the acorns of a more enduring growth, which may darkly overshadow their posterity.”

Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House of the Seven Gables, p. 2

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dispelling Myths: A Critical Assessment Of Progressive Ideologies On Race And Society

  • Discussion:
          -The following text expands upon ideas explored in the past few articles on this site. The aim here is to delve deeper into claims about the interplay of race and societal norms in our current cultural landscape. The arguments scrutinized in this piece reflect a spectrum of progressive religious and secular perspectives. Many people seem very confused today about what to believe and fail to discern what truth is. Excerpts from a critic are cited in bold and followed with critical commentary:

          "Even if unconscious, they thrill to the violence, in thought or word or deed, toward objects of their hate. And usually the object’s circuit hate have been objects of hate for centuries of White Americans."

          That sort of assessment rests on a sweeping generalization of an entire people group, millions of whom this person has never met or could meet in a lifetime. It is also impossible for one to know what the "thrills" of one's heart are apart from some outward manifestation of them or a revelation from God, much less that of millions of other people. Further, critical race theorists generally take statements that deemphasize race to be racist.

          "Even white women accede to violence against other white women in order to “preserve” White Supremacy, from where they get their 2nd class citizen status. 2nd class only to white men."

          This is an assumption about what white women allegedly are complicit with and what their motives are in the context of racial relations. It is the product of an ideology which does not demand evidence in the conventional sense of the term to verify it. The guilt lies in the mere fact that one was born with a certain set of genetic characteristics. One does not actually have to do anything wrong to be considered guilty, which is not justice in the traditional sense of the term.

          "They couldn’t care less that black women die in in maternal care much greater numbers proportionately than white women."

          Chronic health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and obesity contribute significantly to maternal mortality rates, not racial biases.

          "They couldn’t care less that black men are convicted at much greater percentages for low level. Times, like drug possession, than white men. That is, if the black man survives being arrested while driving it taking in a cell phone."

          This is a highly contentious claim which oversimplifies the context of alleged racial disparities in our justice system:

          "Using quantile regressions, we estimate the size of racial disparity across the conditional sentencing distribution. We find that the majority of the disparity between black and white sentences can be explained by differences in legally permitted characteristics, in particular, the arrest offense and the defendant’s criminal history. Black arrestees are also disproportionately concentrated in federal districts that have higher sentences in general."

          The above-cited allegation about higher arrest rates based on racial bias describes a scenario that was plausible during an earlier period of American history when racist views actually were a mainstream part of the culture.

          "They didn’t care that Mr Floyd was choked to death over 9 minutes for a misdemeanor. They didn’t care about any of the advertised executive lynchings - no concession that maybe a couple were wrong?"

          Labeling this incident as "choking to death over a misdemeanor" ignores the high-pressure context that law enforcement officers often face. Even if the details surrounding the death of George Floyd are correct as presented, this argument misses the point. It takes much more than isolated incidents to justify the claim of a general trend in society. Further, sympathy should be extended because he is a human being, not because of his skin color being black. The crucial mistake of critical race theory is that it extends generosity to certain groups of people in such a way that the encounters of others get overlooked and minimalized.

          "Thugs are the ones who have killed off their empathy, their compassion, their humanity when it comes to the suffering of those who were the objects of our greatest national crimes - and yet who physically empowered the economy and physically built the infrastructure of a Superpower."

          Innovative minds from a wide variety of backgrounds have propelled technological advancements and policy reforms, further shaping the nation's success. The story of building a superpower is one of collective effort, unity, and shared progress. It includes as a whole the contributions of all who worked toward a better future. Further, America is the only country where one is free enough to brazenly cut it down without any fear of punishment by the government.

          The underlying assumption behind this sort of thinking is that people should be able to make a profit off the suffering of their ancestors, which is despicable in and of itself. If we had the ability to resurrect slave owners from the dead, then by all means, charge them with crimes against humanity! In addition, Christianity is blind to ethnic distinctions. It is a message of grace and forgiveness, not counting the offenses of other people against oneself. We are forgiven of our sins in Christ, and we are to extend that forgiveness to others who truly are our enemies.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Roman Catholic Sexual Ethics, Weaknesses And Red Flags

  • Discussion:
          -The purpose of this article is to highlight some of the more problematic aspects of Roman Catholic sexual ethics. While there is much teaching on human sexuality and marriage that is commendable, it often falls short when addressing the practical function of sexual relations within marriage. Excerpts from Pope Paul VI's papal encyclical titled Humanae Vitae are cited in bold and followed with critical commentary.

          "...And if each of these essential qualities, the unitive and the procreative, is preserved, the use of marriage fully retains its sense of true mutual love and its ordination to the supreme responsibility of parenthood to which man is called. We believe that our contemporaries are particularly capable of seeing that this teaching is in harmony with human reason." (paragraph 12)

         While the Bible emphasizes marriage's unitive and procreative aspects, it also values love, mutual support, and commitment (Genesis 2:18-24). Notably, there are respected biblical marriages without children (e.g., Abraham and Sarah before Isaac, Zacharias and Elisabeth before John the Baptist). Jesus emphasized love as the core of relationships (John 13:34), which applies to marriage beyond just procreation.

          "...Hence to use this divine gift while depriving it, even if only partially, of its meaning and purpose, is equally repugnant to the nature of man and of woman, and is consequently in opposition to the plan of God and His holy will. But to experience the gift of married love while respecting the laws of conception is to acknowledge that one is not the master of the sources of life but rather the minister of the design established by the Creator." (paragraph 13)

          This sort of thinking appeals to self-righteous individuals who create standards which suit their biased and silly points of view. However, understanding the different purposes a body part can serve in various contexts does not necessarily mean that it is being misused or abused. For example, consider the mouth: humans use their mouths for speaking, breathing, and even whistling, which goes beyond its primary biological function (i.e. eating). Similarly, contraception can be seen as respecting the natural versatility of human functions, rather than being "opposition" to the divine plan.

          "Similarly excluded is any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation—whether as an end or as a means." (paragraph 14)

          Prohibiting non-abortive contraception, even when a woman is more likely than usual to experience complications or death, seems inconsistent with Rome's pro-life message. It places the potential for new life above the well-being and life of the woman.

          "Neither is it valid to argue, as a justification for sexual intercourse which is deliberately contraceptive, that a lesser evil is to be preferred to a greater one, or that such intercourse would merge with procreative acts of past and future to form a single entity, and so be qualified by exactly the same moral goodness as these." (paragraph 14)

          Human sexuality is complex and multi-dimensional. It serves not only reproductive purposes, but also emotional, psychological, and social ones. Acts that do not lead to reproduction can still strengthen relationships, provide emotional support, and contribute to the happiness of both partners. There are other factors to consider in judging the morality of sexual acts besides their reproductive potential.

          "If therefore there are well-grounded reasons for spacing births, arising from the physical or psychological condition of husband or wife, or from external circumstances, the Church teaches that married people may then take advantage of the natural cycles immanent in the reproductive system and engage in marital intercourse only during those times that are infertile, thus controlling birth in a way which does not in the least offend the moral principles which We have just explained.” (paragraph 16)

          The pope gets into nitty-gritty details surrounding the hardships that may arise from childbearing. However, his idea of people creating a fixed timetable for intercourse is simply weird and showing a lack of good sense. Further, the rhythm method has resulted in many children being born. If there were statistically little difference between the effectiveness of natural family planning and artificial methods of contraception, then that would only make Roman Catholic teaching on this issue redundant. Regardless, it has concerned itself with lofty sounding ideas that fail to translate into effective or feasible solutions in the real world. Rome's teaching that contraception in some way violates a higher moral order is a theoretical concept only, fastidiously clung to with a splendid degree of hubris.

          "Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the doctrine laid down by the Church on this issue if they reflect on the consequences of methods and plans for artificial birth control. Let them first consider how easily this course of action could open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards." (paragraph 17)

          Saying that one course of action leads up to another without adequate demonstration would be the attribution of a false cause. Moreover, any tool can be used in improper or unacceptable ways, opening the door to grave consequences. This sort of reasoning is comparable to the Church of Christ talking point that using musical instruments in worship is a slippery slope for the spread of theological liberalism in churches.

          "...Not much experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand that human beings—and especially the young, who are so exposed to temptation—need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to make it easy for them to break that law. " (paragraph 17)

          A religious organization that has priests who take on vows of mandatory celibacy or teaches as dogma that Mary forever remained a virgin is out of touch with reality. For one thing, creating an environment with exceedingly high expectations when they already are high enough is going to result in moral failure. On the other issue, the Catholic teaching on Mary's virginity goes against the grain of the natural human inclination towards intimacy and the general character of marriage relationships. These sorts of teachings originated from the minds of pedantic men who kept their heads in the clouds.

          "...Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection.”  (paragraph 17)

          An effect of the traditional Roman Catholic approach to women and conception is that they can be reduced to baby making machines. It is obvious that "the faithful" are not considered competent to make sound decisions for themselves, taking into account the potential repercussions of their actions. A matter is thus because Rome has specifically dictated it to be thus, not because there are necessarily good reasons behind certain decrees.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Roman Catholic Teaching On Contraception, Examined And Refuted

  • Discussion:
          -The purpose of this article is to evaluate a contentious aspect of Roman Catholic moral theology, particularly the use of contraceptives. The merits of the stance assessed here rest on highly emotional and speculative presuppositions regarding the nature of procreation, which can truly be perplexing. Excerpts from Pope Pius XI's papal encyclical titled Casti Connubii are cited in bold and followed with critical commentary:

          "...To take away from man the natural and primeval right of marriage, to circumscribe in any way the principal ends of marriage laid down in the beginning by God Himself in the words ‘Increase and multiply,’ is beyond the power of any human law.” (paragraph 8)

          Note that God spoke those words to Adam and Eve, before the world was even populated. That blessing of reproduction after one's own kind has more than since been fulfilled. While large families are not a concept frowned upon in biblical contexts, those who declare such as a "principle end" of marriage do so without divine approval or commandment. Nothing in the original directive of Genesis is said to hold the same weight or necessity today.

          "And now, Venerable Brethren, we shall explain in detail the evils opposed to each of the benefits of matrimony. First consideration is due to the offspring, which many have the boldness to call the disagreeable burden of matrimony and which they say is to be carefully avoided by married people not through virtuous continence (which Christian law permits in matrimony when both parties consent) but by frustrating the marriage act.” (paragraph 53)

          If God is as concerned with couples having children as Rome seems to be, then why did He not simply create us as hermaphrodites? Why would He create man and woman? The approach taken by the pope on this issue is woodenly rigid and short-sighted. It neglects other significant aspects of the marriage bond, which are companionship, mutual support, and love between partners. 

          “Some justify this criminal abuse on the ground that they are weary of children and wish to gratify their desires without their consequent burden. Others say that they cannot on the one hand remain continent nor on the other can they have children because of the difficulties whether on the part of the mother or on the part of family circumstances.” (paragraph 53)

          The Roman Catholic Church would have us believe that all forms of contraception are inherently sinful, except for natural family planning. It would have us believe that divorce is not permitted by God, except when it is called an annulment. This is an absurd effort on the part of Rome to arbitrarily dictate what adherents do with their lives.

          “But no reason, however grave, may be put forward by which anything intrinsically against nature may become conformable to nature and morally good. Since, therefore, the conjugal act is destined primarily by nature for the begetting of children, those who in exercising it deliberately frustrate its natural power and purpose sin against nature and commit a deed which is shameful and intrinsically vicious.” (paragraph 54)

          At its very best, this can be regarded as a subjective opinion stated in unusually strong terms. It is not clear how preventing the fertilization of an ovum is a "crime" against nature. Further, it is not adequate to say that an organization declares a specific concept to be immoral. The Roman Catholic Church is guilty of promoting groupthink. If the decision to enter into marriage can be left up to the individual, then why should the decision on the number of children to have not also fall under personal discretion?

          "Small wonder, therefore, if Holy Writ bears witness that the Divine Majesty regards with greatest detestation this horrible crime and at times has punished it with death. As St. Augustine notes, "Intercourse even with one's legitimate wife is unlawful and wicked where the conception of the offspring is prevented. Onan, the son of Juda, did this and the Lord killed him for it.” (paragraph 55)

          Citing the church fathers as evidence for a theological position is akin to using historical opinions as the ultimate source of truth, regardless of the reasoning's validity. Moreover, the Roman Catholic New American Bible Revised Edition attributes the death of Onan to disobedience to God's Law, not him using a form of contraception: "Preserve your brother’s line: lit., “raise up seed for your brother”: an allusion to the law of levirate, or “brother-in-law,” marriage; see notes on Dt 25:5; Ru 2:20. Onan’s violation of this law brought on him God’s punishment (vv. 9–10)."

          "...any use whatsoever of matrimony exercised in such a way that the act is deliberately frustrated in its natural power to generate life is an offense against the law of God and of nature, and those who indulge in such are branded with the guilt of a grave sin.” (paragraph 56)

          Just as God manipulates biology to create life, we manipulate chemistry to responsibly manage it. Further, Roman Catholic theologians would be taken more seriously on this issue if they stopped using deodorant. After all, that substance deliberately interferes with sweat glands.

          "...Holy Mother Church very well understands and clearly appreciates all that is said regarding the health of the mother and the danger to her life. And who would not grieve to think of these things? Who is not filled with the greatest admiration when he sees a mother risking her life with heroic fortitude, that she may preserve the life of the offspring which she has conceived? God alone, all bountiful and all merciful as He is, can reward her for the fulfillment of the office allotted to her by nature, and will assuredly repay her in a measure full to overflowing.” (paragraph 58)

          This is poor life counsel disguised in the language of personal piety. Allowing non-abortive contraception in high-risk situations aligns with the principle of "do no harm." By preventing a potentially dangerous pregnancy, the woman is making a morally responsible choice to protect her own health and well-being.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Challenging Progressive Narratives: Historical and Cultural Perspectives

  • Discussion:
          -The text of this article is mostly a continuation of the previous one. The individual critiqued here raises talking points that represent both progressive religious and secular thought on a broader scale. Many aspects of this ideology are deceptive and harmful. It is desired that this sort of interaction will prove to be edifying to readers:

          "Very moving. Very sad. There is a victory at the end, but there are unnecessary barriers on that road that are unconscious forces polluting the cultural conceptions of our society."

          This talk of "unconscious bias" is really a subtle form of emotional abuse. It is designed to undermine a disputant's sense of reality, to doubt one's own powers of reason or sanity. Further, it is easy to accumulate masses of evidence in favor of any alleged conspiracy, when everything is filtered through that specific lens. 

          "These now antiquarian conceptual forces were at their peak at the founding of the United States and they are hallmarks of the Protestant Reformation."

          On the contrary, it was the Protestant Reformation which laid the groundwork for the traditions of personal freedom that we in the West have enjoyed for hundreds of years. If one wants to consider the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to be "antiquarian" or "destructive" concepts, then there is no way to help him out of his stupidity apart from divine intervention or an earth-shattering event. Even then, some may never catch on to the error of their ways.

          "that ancient scriptures are THE ONLY authority on which to gain a relationship with the Divine; and the isolated individual with intention is empowered to rightly interpret these scriptures absolutely unencumbered by and regardless of any and all networks of social relations in which the individual exists."

          Here is a challenge for people who reject the doctrine of Sola Scriptura: produce a collection of inspired sayings of Jesus Christ and the apostles that cannot be found in the New Testament. No honest person will proceed to do this, for it cannot be done! Therefore, there is no other reliable source for us to turn to in learning about God besides Scripture.

          "These hallmarks are the foundation for sectarian hate and segregationist structures that infect “Western civilization” from the religious wars of early modernity through the Atlantic slave trade, and which continue today in highlighted excess."

          The true hallmark for "sectarian and segregationist" hate in our society is actually those who complain about alleged racism in our society. For example, during a House Oversight Committee hearing on the Dismantle DEI Act of 2024, Rep. Jasmine Crockett made a racist statement, declaring, "There has been no oppression for the white man in this country." This sort of rhetoric dismisses the diverse experiences of white individuals and helps to exacerbate racial tensions. It reveals a deeply prejudiced perspective. Further, if widespread oppression of black people existed in America today, then she would never have been allowed to hold public office. Complaints about the existence of anti-black racism in our societal context are oftentimes historically uninformed. For instance, the Ottoman Empire put white people into slavery. They were treated like black slaves, sometimes being castrated and used militarily. White women were used as sex slaves.

          "This man’s father - an evangelical pastor - is quite courageous. Parts of his personal journals are in the national paper of record. Quite courageous. I celebrate the conviction of belief that has clearly rewritten his relationship with Christ. I’m existentially thankful that by grace I got that same train out at an earlier age."

          Excellent, let us give out certificates and trophies to fathers who can now "tolerate" their gay sons. Meanwhile, traditional marriage, a centuries-old institution designed between a man and a woman, is crumbling right before our eyes. Instead of throwing confetti, we should solemnly ponder what cultural essence that we are chucking out the window.

          "But the immense destruction of radical Protestantism is ongoing."

          False. There were broader factors such as secularization, globalization, and subsequent cultural shifts which affected our ideological landscape. Historical phenomena in many cases cannot be attributed to a single cause. 

          "And it is simply clear that from the first, the Protestantism of Calvin and many others missed the clear Gospel process: “I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything…”

          Those words concerning the promise of the Holy Spirit coming to teach were directed to the apostles, not us. What they received from Him, they wrote down in Scripture. So, in that sense, the Protestant Reformers did not miss anything relating to the gospel.

          Progressivism as a political philosophy disregards fixed standards, and utterly lacks in historical cognizance. It robs them of objective substance, importing meanings which are entirely subjective. Progressivism is based on how one feels at any given moment, without due regard to how actions and ideas have consequences.

          "And neither is the Holy Spirit contained by one individual. Only in the devotion of a diverse community can the Spirit be discerned. And never once for all time. Not even by the apostles."

          Traditional Christian theology often emphasizes the individual's personal relationship with God and the Holy Spirit. Verses like 1 Corinthians 6:19 (i.e. "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit?") highlight that the Spirit is present within each person who believes.

          "St Peter had a hard time, yet again, when the Spirit was trying to convince him that the gospel of Jesus Christ was open to even Gentiles, and that without any preconditions of law whatsoever! Peter took his story back to the Jerusalem elders and only then was the matter reflected upon, discerned, and decisions made to break with apostolic understanding!!"

           Acts 15:15-18 demonstrates that the early Christian decision to include Gentiles was grounded in Scripture. Further, the text shows that they relied on an objective standard for their beliefs as opposed to some mere mystical prompting.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Debating Ethics: Abortion, Race, and Progressive Views

  • Discussion:

          -Following are a series of excerpts with responses to them from an exchange with a progressive democrat. The sort of political ideology which this person has consumed is obviously meant to cause hatred and discord. It is hoped that points made here will prove to be useful in discussing the issues of abortion and race with others: 

          "You may not know it, but thugs is a real word. There are real thugs. You think it has to do with skin color. And that’s the problem: thugs are people who hate with brutality." 

          The skin color of a man is not the prima facie issue. Genetics alone would not be sufficient to determine the likelihood of one committing crimes. There are environmental factors, as well as psychological components, opportunities for education, and sources of influence. Rather than being considered an inherent part of their being, moral problems among black people can be attributed to cultural deficiencies, such as the breakdown of family structures, community cohesion, and personal responsibility. Moreover, critical race theorists oftentimes talk in ways that the abolitionists themselves in all likelihood would have regarded as unlawful. 

          "Like you and Hamas. You’re just an armchair terrorist and insurrectionist. An old bastard thug." 

          Likening people that one merely disagrees with to Hamas is breathtakingly ignorant. That group is comprised of radicals who murder outsiders in the name of global dominance. Just as Hamas terrorists do not really worship any god but the concept of death, so modern progressives worship the self and their own version of reality.

          "And “right to life” is in quotes because it’s a lie you and Craig and the other thugs tell yourselves." 

          We ought to reject any concept of "individual rights" that appeals to our ego. "My body, my choice" does exactly that. Moreover, this sort of thinking is puerile, since it rests on an oversimplified concept of personal property. This is more than a matter of, "I can do whatever I want with this. It is mine and no one can take it away from me." With personal liberty comes responsibility toward oneself and his fellow countrymen, including the unborn.

          "In a free democracy, you won’t let women of child bearing age determine their life." 

           False. Women of child bearing age determine their life by choosing whether to become pregnant. Parents have an obligation to care for their children by virtue of the inherent nature of such an interpersonal relationship. 

          "Because you don’t care about life. Evangelicals didn’t care about life until they needed a better political plan than opposing desegregation." 

          This is deceptive manipulation. Pregnancy centers are available to women in need of them as well as adoption agencies for adults who want to take care of abandoned children. For the record, it was mostly the Southern Democrats who defended the institution of slavery and filibustered civil rights legislation. 

          "Do yourself a favor and learn something for the first time in 40 years: look up Paul Weyrich." 

          The opinions of Weyrich do not carry any inherent authority over anyone else. 

          “Evangelicals considered abortion a “Catholic issue” through most of the 1970s, and there is little in the history of evangelicalism to suggest that abortion would become a point of interest." 

          Granting that, the shift only proves that people can be wrong about an issue and change their minds when presented with more data. It is irrelevant to the question of the morality of abortion itself, since truth is not determined by popularity. The state of medical research has changed dramatically since the 1970s.

          "Even James Dobson, who later became an implacable foe of abortion, acknowledged after the Roe decision that the Bible was silent on the matter and that it was plausible for an evangelical to hold that “a developing embryo or fetus was not regarded as a full human being." 

          Even if the Bible is silent on the topic of abortion, it does not follow that God has granted women permission to get them. Further, Scripture implicitly recognizes that a "developing embryo or fetus" has personhood (Judges 13:3-5; Jeremiah 1:4-5; Luke 1:44). That would indicate the biblical authors accepted the notion that human life begins at conception, challenging the morality of terminating life in the womb. Finally, it is inconsistent for liberal progressives to address the Bible's teaching on abortion, since they generally regard it as nothing but an outdated collection of writings by uneducated men.

          "In the course of the first session, Weyrich tried to make a point to his religious right brethren (no women attended the conference, as I recall). Remember, he said animatedly, that the religious right did not come together in response to the Roe decision." 

          The claim about the Roe v. Wade decision is imprecise. While it is true that the religious right did not initially form in response to that Supreme Court ruling, it was later used as a significant rallying point. Further, many women were involved in that movement from its early days.

          "No, Weyrich insisted, what got the movement going as a political movement was the attempt on the part of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to rescind the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies, including a ban on interracial dating that the university maintained until 2000." 

          Even if there was a federal piece of legislation drafted and signed into law allowing for abortions in certain contexts (i.e. cases of rape, incest, and when a woman's life is in danger), that still would not be enough for modern-day progressive democrats. As an additional point, their ideology is not progressive in the usual sense of the term, since they actually want to take us back to a culture comparable to ancient Greece and Rome.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

A History Of Old Testament Interpretation

We shall here endeavor to present a brief but comprehensive sketch of the treatment which the Scriptures of the O.T. have in different ages received. At the period of the rise of Christianity, two opposite tendencies had manifested themselves in the interpretation of them among the Jews; the one to an extreme literalism, the other to an arbitrary allegorism. The former of these was mainly developed in Palestine, where the Law of Moses was, from the nature of things, most completely observed. The Jewish teachers, acknowledging the obligation of that law in its minutest precepts, but overlooking the moral principles on which those precepts were founded and which they should have unfolded from them, endeavored to supply by other means the imperfections inherent in every law in its mere literal acceptation.

On the other hand, at Alexandria the allegorizing tendency prevailed. Germs of it had appeared in the apocryphal writings, as where in the Book of Wisdom (xviii. 24) the priestly vestments of Aaron had been treated as symbolical of the universe. It had been fostered by Aristobulus, and at length, two centuries later, it culminated in Philo, from whose works we best gather the form which it assumed. For in the general principles of interpretation which Philo adopted, he was but following, as he himself assures us, in the track which had been previously marked out by those, probably the Therapeuts, under whom he had studied. His expositions have chiefly reference to the writings of Moses, whom he regarded as the arch-prophet, the man initiated above all others into divine mysteries; and in the persons and things mentioned in these writings he traces, without denying the outward reality of the narrative, the mystical designations of different abstract qualities and aspects of the invisible.

The Alexandrian interpreters were striving to vindicate for the Hebrew Scriptures a new dignity in the eyes of the Gentile world, by showing that Moses had anticipated all the doctrines of the philosophers of Greece. It must not be supposed that the Palestinian literalism and the Alexandrian allegorism ever remained entirely distinct. In fact, the two extremes of literalism and arbitrary allegorism, in their neglect of the direct moral teaching and prophetical import of Scripture, had too much in common not to mingle readily the one with the other. And thus we may trace the development of the two distinct yet co-existent spheres of Halachah and Hagadah, in which the Jewish interpretation of Scripture, as shown by the later Jewish writings, ranged.

The former ("repetition," "following") embraced the traditional legal determinations for practical observance: the latter ("discourse") the unrestrained interpretation, of no authentic force or immediate practical interest. The earliest Christian non-apostolic treatment of the O.T. was necessarily much dependent on that which it had received from the Jews. The Alexandrian allegorism re-appears the most fully in the fanciful epistle of Barnabas; but it influenced also the other writings of the sub-apostolic Fathers. Even the Jewish cabalism passed to some extent into the Christian Church, and is said to have been largely employed by the Gnostics. But this was not to last. Irenaeus, himself not altogether free from it, raised his voice against it; and Tertullian well laid it down as a canon that the words of Scripture were to be interpreted only in their logical connection, and with reference to the occasion on which they were uttered.

In another respect, all was changed. The Christian interpreters by their belief in Christ stood on a vantage-ground for the comprehension of the O.T. to which the Jews had never reached; and thus, however they may have erred in the details of their interpretations, they were generally conducted by them to the right conclusions in regard of Christian doctrine. The view held by the Christian Fathers that the whole doctrine of the N.T. had been virtually contained and foreshadowed in the Old generally induced the search in the O.T. for such Christian doctrine rather than for the old philosophical dogmas. Their general convictions were doubtless here more correct than the details which they advanced; and it would be easy to multiply from the writings of either Justin, Tertullian, or Irenaeus, typical interpretations that could no longer be defended.

It was at Alexandria, which through her previous learning had already exerted the deepest influence on the interpretation of the O.T., that definite principles of interpretation were by a new order of men, the most illustrious and influential teachers in the Christian Church, first laid down. Clement here led the way. He held that in the Jewish law a fourfold import was to be traced—literal, symbolical, moral, and prophetical. Of these, the second was the relic of the philosophical element that others had previously engrafted on the Hebrew Scriptures. Clement was succeeded by his scholar Origen. With him, biblical interpretation showed itself more decidedly Christian; and while the wisdom of the Egyptians, moulded anew, became the permanent inheritance of the Church, the distinctive symbolical meaning which philosophy had placed upon the O.T. disappeared.

Origen recognizes in Scripture, as it were, a body, soul, and spirit, answering to the body, soul, and spirit of man: the first serves for the edification of the simple, the second for that of the more advanced, the third for that of the perfect. The reality and the utility of the first, the letter of Scripture, he proves by the number of those whose faith is nurtured by it. The second, which is in fact the moral sense of Scripture, he illustrates by the interpretation of Dent. xxv. 4 in 1 Cor. ix. 9. The third, however, is that on which he principally dwells, showing how the Jewish Law, spiritually understood, contained a shadow of good things to come. Both the spiritual and (to use his own term) the psychical meanings he held to be always present in Scripture, the bodily not always. Origen's own expositions of Scripture were, no doubt, less successful than his investigations of the principles on which it ought to be expounded.

Yet as the appliances which he brought to the study of Scripture made him the father of biblical criticism, so of all detailed Christian scriptural commentaries his were the first; a fact not to be forgotten by those who would estimate aright their several merits and defects. The value of Origen's researches was best appreciated, a century later, by Jerome. He adopted and repeated most of Origen's principles; but he exhibited more judgment in the practical application of them: he devoted more attention to the literal interpretation, the basis of the rest, and he brought also larger stores of learning to bear upon it. With Origen, he held that Scripture was to be understood in a threefold manner, literally, tropologically, mystically: the first meaning was the lowest, the last the highest. But elsewhere he gave a new threefold division of scriptural interpretation, identifying the ethical with the literal or first meaning, making the allegorical or spiritual meaning the second, and maintaining that, thirdly, Scripture was to be understood "secundum futurorum beatitudinem."

The influence of Origen's writings was supreme in the Greek Church for a hundred years after his death. Towards the end of the 4th century, Diodore, bishop of Tarsus, previously a presbyter at Antioch, wrote an exposition of the whole of the O.T., attending only to the letter of Scripture. Of the disciples of Diodore, Theodore of Mopsuestia pursued an exclusively grammatical interpretation into a decided rationalism, rejecting the greater part of the prophetical reference of the O.T., and maintaining it to be only applied to our Saviour by way of accommodation. Chrysostom, another disciple of Diodore, followed a sounder course, rejecting neither the literal nor the spiritual interpretation, but bringing out with much force from Scripture its moral lessons. He was followed by Theodoret, who interpreted both literally and historically, and also allegorically and prophetically.

In the Western Church, the influence of Origen, if not so unqualified at the first, was yet permanently greater than in the Eastern. Hilary of Poitiers is said by Jerome to have drawn largely from Origen in his Commentary on the Psalms. But in truth, as a practical interpreter, he greatly excelled Origen; carefully seeking out, not what meaning the Scripture might bear, but what it really intended, and drawing forth the evangelical sense from the literal with cogency, terseness, and elegance. Here, too, Augustine stood somewhat in advance of Origen; carefully preserving in its integrity the literal sense of the historical narrative of Scripture as the substructure of the mystical, lest otherwise the latter should prove to be but a building in the air.

But whatever advances had been made in the treatment of O.T. Scripture by the Latins since the days of Origen were unhappily not perpetuated. We may see this in the Morals of Gregory on the Book of Job; the last great independent work of a Latin Father. Three senses of the sacred text are here recognized and pursued in separate threads; the historical and literal, the allegorical, and the moral. But the three have hardly any mutual connection: the very idea of such a connection is ignored. Such was the general character of the interpretation which prevailed through the middle ages, during which Gregory's work stood in high repute. The mystical sense of Scripture was entirely divorced from the literal.

The first impulse to the new investigation of the literal meaning of the text of the O. T. came from the great Jewish commentators, mostly of Spanish origin, of the 11th and following centuries; Rashi (t 1105), Abcn Ezra (t 1167), Kimchi (t 1240), and others. Following in the wake of these, the converted Jew, Nicolaus of Lyre near Evreux, in Normandy, (t 1341), produced his Postillss Perpetuae on the Bible, in which, without denying the deeper meanings of Scripture, he justly contended for the literal as that on which they all must rest. Exception was taken to these a century later by Paul of Burgos, also a converted Jew (t 1435), who upheld, by the side of the literal, the traditional interpretations, to which he was probably at heart exclusively attached. But the very arguments by which he sought to vindicate them showed that the recognition of the value of the literal interpretation had taken firm root.Principles of Interpretation. — From the foregoing sketch, it will have appeared that it has been very generally recognized that the interpretation of the O.T. embraces the discovery of its literal, moral, and spiritual meaning. It has given occasion to misrepresentation to speak of the existence in Scripture of more than a single sense; rather, then, let it be said that there are in it three elements, coexisting and coalescing with each other, and generally requiring each other's presence in order that they may be severally manifested. Correspondingly, too, there are three portions of the O.T. in which the respective elements, each in its turn, shine out with peculiar lustre.

The literal (and historical) element is most obviously displayed in the historical narrative: the moral is specially honored in the Law, and in the hortatory addresses of the prophets: the predictions of the prophets bear emphatic witness to the prophetical or spiritual. Still, generally, in every portion of the O. T., the presence of all three elements may by the student of Scripture be traced. In perusing the story of the journey of the Israelites through the wilderness, he has the historical element in the actual occurrence of the facts narrated; the moral, in the warnings which God's dealings with the people and their own several disobediences convey; and the spiritual in the prefiguration by that journey, in its several features, of the Christian pilgrimage through the wilderness of life.

If the question be asked, are the three several elements in the O. T. mutually co-extensive? We reply, They are certainly co-extensive in the O.T., taken as a whole, and in the several portions of it, largely viewed; yet not so as that they are all to be traced in each several section. The historical element may occasionally exist alone. On the other hand, there are passages of direct and simple moral exhortation, e.g. a considerable part of the Book of Proverbs, into which the historical element hardly enters. Occasionally also, as in Psalm ii., the prophetical element, though not altogether divorced from the historical and the moral, yet completely overshadows them.

That we should use the New Testament as the key to the true meaning of the Old, and should seek to interpret the latter as it was interpreted by our Lord and His apostles, is in accordance both with the spirit of what the earlier Fathers asserted respecting the value of the tradition received from them, and with the appeals to the N. T. by which Origen defended and fortified the threefold method of interpretation. But here it is the analogy of the N. T. interpretation that we must follow; for it were unreasonable to suppose that the whole of the Old Testament would be found completely interpreted in the New.

With these preliminary observations, we may glance at the several branches of the interpreter's task. First, then, Scripture has its outward form or body, all the several details of which he will have to explore and to analyze. He must ascertain the thing outwardly asserted, commanded, foretold, prayed for, or the like; and this with reference, so far as is possible, to the historical occasion and circumstances, the time, the place, the political and social position, the manner of life, the surrounding influences, the distinctive character, and the object in view, alike of the writers, the persons addressed, and the persons who appear upon the scene.

Taken in its wide sense, the outward form of Scripture will itself, no doubt, include much that is figurative. To the outward form of Scripture thus belong all metonymies, in which one name is substituted for another; and metaphors, in which a word is transformed from its proper to a cognate signification; so also all prosopopoeias, or personifications; and even all anthropomorphic and anthropopathic descriptions of God, which could never have been understood in a purely literal sense, at least by any of the right-minded among God's people. It is not to be denied that it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to draw the exact line where the province of spiritual interpretation begins, and that of historical ends. On the one hand, the spiritual significance of a passage may occasionally, perhaps often, throw light on the historical element involved in it: on the other hand, the very large use of figurative language in the O.T., and more especially in the prophecies, prepares us for the recognition of the yet more deeply figurative and essentially allegorical import which runs through the whole.

Yet no unhallowed or unworthy task can it ever be to study, even for its own sake, the historical form in which the O.T. comes to us clothed. Even by itself, it proclaims to us the historical workings of God, and reveals the care wherewith He has ever watched over the interests of His Church. Above all, the history of the O.T. is the indispensable preface to the historical advent of the Son of God in the flesh. We need hardly labor to prove that the N.T. recognizes the general historical character of what the O.T. records. Of course, in reference to that which is not related as plain matter of history, there will always remain the question, how far the descriptions are to be viewed as definitely historical; how far as drawn, for a specific purpose, from the imagination. Such a question presents itself, for example, in the Book of Job. It is one which must plainly be in each case decided according to the particular circumstances.

In examining the extent of the historical element in the prophecies, both of the prophets and the psalmists, we must distinguish between those which we either definitely know or may reasonably assume to have been fulfilled at a period not entirely distant from that at which they were uttered, and those which reached far beyond in their prospective reference. The former, once fulfilled, were thenceforth annexed to the domain of history (Is. xvii.; Ps. cvii. 33). With the prophecies of more distant scope, the case stood thus. A picture was presented to the prophet's gaze, embodying an outward representation of certain future spiritual struggles, judgments, triumphs, or blessings; a picture suggested in general by the historical circumstances of the present (Zech. vi. 9-15; Ps. v., lxxii.), or of the past (Ez. xx. 35, 36; Is. xi. 15, xlviii. 21; Ps. xcix. 6, seqq.), or of the near future, already anticipated and viewed as present (Is. xlix. 7-26; Ps. lvii. 6-11), or of all these variously combined, altered, and heightened by the imagination. But it does not follow that that picture was ever outwardly brought to pass: the local had been exchanged for the spiritual, the outward type had merged in the inward reality before the fulfillment of the prophecy took effect.

Respecting the rudiments of interpretation, let the following here suffice: — The knowledge of the meanings of Hebrew words is gathered (a) from the context, (b) from parallel passages, (c) from the traditional interpretations preserved in Jewish commentaries and dictionaries, (d) from the ancient versions, (e) from the cognate languages—Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic. The syntax must be almost wholly gathered from the O.T. itself; and for the special syntax of the poetical books, while the importance of a study of the Hebrew parallelism is now generally recognized, more attention needs to be bestowed than has been bestowed hitherto on the centralism and inversion by which the poetical structure and language is often marked.

From the outward form of the O.T., we proceed to its moral element or soul. It was with reference to this that St. Paul declared that all Scripture was given by inspiration of God, and was profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Tim. iii. 16); and it is in the implicit recognition of the essentially moral character of the whole that our Lord and His apostles not only appeal to its direct precepts (e.g. Matt xv. 4, xix. 17-19), and set forth the fullness of their bearing (e.g. Matt ix. 13), but also lay bare moral lessons in O. T. passages which lie rather beneath the surface than upon it (Matt. xix. 5, 6, xxii. 32; John x. 34, 35; Acts vii. 48, 49; 1 Cor. ix. 9, 10; 2 Cor. viii. 13-15).

With regard more particularly to the Law, our Lord shows in His Sermon on the Mount how deep is the moral teaching implied in its letter; and, in His denunciation of the Pharisees, upbraids them for their omission of its weightier matters—judgment, mercy, and faith. The history, too, of the O.T. finds frequent reference made in the N. T. to its moral teaching (Luke vi. 3; Rom. iv., ix. 17; I Cor. x. 6-11; Heb. iii. 7-11, xi.; 2 Pet. ii. 15, 16; 1 John iii. 12). The interpreter of the O.T. will have, among his other tasks, to analyze in the lives set before him the various yet generally mingled workings of the spirit of holiness and of the spirit of sin.

The moral errors by which the lives of even the greatest saints were disfigured related, and that for our instruction, but not generally criticized. The O.T. sets before us just those lives—the lives generally of religious men—which will best repay our study, and will most strongly suggest the moral lessons that God would have us learn; and herein it is, that, in regard of the moral aspects of the O.T. history, we may most surely trace the overruling influence of the Holy Spirit by which the sacred historians wrote.

But the O.T. has further its spiritual and therefore prophetical element. Our attention is here first attracted to the avowedly predictive parts of the O.T., of the prospective reference of which, at the time that they were uttered, no question can exist, and the majority of which still awaited their fulfillment when the Redeemer of the world was born. With Christ, the new era of the fulfillment of prophecy commenced. A marvelous amount there was in His person of the verification of the very letter of prophecy — partly that it might be seen how definitely all had pointed to Him; partly because His outward mission, up to the time of His death, was but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and the letter had not yet been finally superseded by the spirit.

Yet it would plainly be impossible to suppose that the significance of such prophecies as Zech. ix. 9 was exhausted by the mere outward verification. Hence the entire absence from the N.T. of any recognition, by either Christ or His apostles, of such prospective outward glories as the prophecies, literally interpreted, would still have implied. The language of the ancient prophecies is everywhere applied to the gathering together, the privileges, and the triumphs of the universal body of Christ (John x. 16, xi. 52; Acts ii. 39, xv. 15-1; Rom. ix. 25, 26, 32, 33, x. 11-13, xi. 25, 26, 27, &c.). Even apart, however, from the authoritative interpretation thus placed upon them, the prophecies contain within themselves, in sufficient measure, the evidence of their spiritual import.

The substance of these prophecies is the glory of the Redeemer's spiritual kingdom: it is but the form that is derived from the outward circumstances of the career of God's ancient people, which had passed, or all but passed, away before the fulfillment of the promised blessings commenced. Nor was even the form in which the announcement of the new blessings had been clothed to be rudely cast aside: the imagery of the prophets is on every account justly dear to us, and from love, no less than from habit, we still speak the language of Canaan.

But then arises the question, Must not this language have been divinely designed from the first as the language of God's Church? The typical import of the Israelitish tabernacle and natural worship is implied in Heb. ix. ("the Holy Ghost this signifying"), and is almost universally allowed; and it is not easy to tear asunder the events of Israel's history from the ceremonies of Israel's worship; nor yet, again, the events of the preceding history of the patriarchs from those of the history of Israel.

The N.T. itself implies the typical import of a large part of the O. T. narrative. In the O. T. itself we have, and this even in the latest times, events and persons expressly treated as typical (Ps. exviii. 22; Zech. iii., vi. 9, &c.). A further testimony to the typical character of the history of the Old Testament is furnished by the typical character of the events related even in the New. All our Lord's miracles were essentially typical. So too the outward fulfillment of prophecy in the Redeemer's life was a type of the deeper, though less immediately striking, fulfillment which it was to continue to receive ideally.

It is not unlikely that there is an unwillingness to recognize the spiritual element in the historical parts of the O.T., arising from the fear that the recognition of it may endanger that of the historical truth of the events recorded. Nor is such danger altogether visionary; for one-sided and prejudiced contemplation will be ever so abusing one element of Scripture as thereby to cast a slight upon the rest. But this does not affect its existence.

Of another danger besetting the path of the spiritual interpreter of the O.T., we have a warning in the unedifying puerilities into which some have fallen. Against such he will guard by foregoing too curious a search for mere external resemblances between the Old Testament and the New, though withal thankfully recognizing them wherever they present themselves. The spiritual interpretation must rest upon both the literal and the moral; and there can be no spiritual analogy between things which have naught morally in common.

One consequence of this principle will of course be, that we must never be content to rest in any mere outward fulfillment of prophecy. However remarkable the outward fulfillment be, it must always guide us to some deeper analogy, in which a moral element is involved. Another consequence of the foregoing principle of interpretation will be, that that which was forbidden or sinful cannot, so far as it was sinful, be regarded as typical of that which is free from sin. So again, that which was tolerated rather than approved may contain within itself the type of something imperfect, in contrast to that which is more perfect.

C. Quotations from the Old Testament in the New Testament. — The New Testament quotations from the Old form one of the outward bonds of connection between the two parts of the Bible. They are manifold in kind. Some of the passages quoted contain prophecies or involve types of which the N.T. writers designed to indicate the fulfillment. Others are introduced as direct logical supports to the doctrines which they were enforcing. It may not be easy to distribute all the quotations into their distinctive classes; but among those in which a prophetical or typical force is ascribed in the N.T. to the passage quoted may fairly be reckoned all that are introduced with an intimation that the Scripture was "fulfilled;" and it may be observed that the word "fulfill," as applied to the accomplishment of what had been predicted or foreshadowed, is in the N. T. only used by our Lord Himself and His companion apostles.

In the quotations of all kinds from the Old Testament in the New, we find a continual variation from the letter of the older Scriptures. To this variation, three causes may be specified as having contributed: — First, all the N.T. writers quoted from the Septuagint; correcting it indeed more or less by the Hebrew, especially when it was needful for their purpose; occasionally deserting it altogether; still abiding by it to so large an extent as to show that it was the primary source whence their quotations were drawn. Secondly, the N.T. writers must have frequently quoted from memory. Thirdly, combined with this, there was an alteration of conscious or unconscious design. Sometimes the object of this was to obtain increased force. Sometimes an O.T. passage is abridged, and in the abridgment so adjusted, by a little alteration, as to present an aspect of completeness, and yet omit what is foreign to the immediate purpose (Acts i. 20; 1 Cor. i. 31).

At other times a passage is enlarged by the incorporation of a passage from another source: thus in Luke iv. 18, 19, although the contents are professedly those read by our Lord from Is. lxi., we have the words "to set at liberty them that are bruised," introduced from Is. lviii. 6 (Sept.); similarly, in Rom. xi. 8, Deut. xxix. 4 is combined with Is. xxix. 10. In some cases, still greater liberty of alteration is assumed. In some places again, the actual words of the original are taken up, but employed with a new meaning. Almost more remarkable than any alteration in the quotation itself is the circumstance, that, in Matt, xxvii. 9, Jeremiah should be named as the author of a prophecy really delivered by Zechariah; the reason being that the prophecy is based upon that in Jer. xviii., xix., and that, without a reference to this original source, the most essential features of the fulfillment of Zechariah's prophecy would be misunderstood.

The above examples will sufficiently illustrate the freedom with which the apostles and evangelists interwove the older Scriptures into their writings. It could only result in failure, were we to attempt any merely mechanical account of variations from the O.T. text which are essentially not mechanical.

William Smith, A Dictionary Of the Bible Comprising Its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History, p. 655-659

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

A Fatal Flaw Of Jehovah's Witnesses Christology (Unitarianism)

          Jesus Christ stated that the greatest demonstration of love is giving up one's own life on behalf of others (John 15:13). That is precisely what He did for us when He made atonement for our sins on the cross. Now, the Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe that Jesus is God. In order to remain consistent with their theology, they must accept the idea of a creature doing a greater act of love than the Creator Himself because it was the former who laid down His own life in our place. The Trinity is the solution to this dilemma. If Jesus Christ is the second person of the Godhead, then it is God Himself who has made the greatest possible demonstration of love.